
Infamous 2 trailer
Infamous 2 trailer

infamous 2 trailer
  1. #Infamous 2 trailer series#
  2. #Infamous 2 trailer download#

#Infamous 2 trailer download#

How the smoke is absorbed is a feature that will involve the touch pad on the PlayStations 4’s controller.Ĭontinue to visit Gamer Assault Weekly and check out this June’s issue of Game Informer for more information on Infamous: Second Son and the PlayStation 4. InFamous 2 - E3 Trailer - High quality stream and download In case you deliberately steal content from us, we will let Youtube and other video hosting services know about it. Though, it is noted that with smoke being a lot rarer than electricity the player have to be more thoughtful with how they use Delsin’s powers in combat. He will also have the ability to adsorb smoke to replenish his powers much in the same way as Cole did with electricity. Along with his smoke powers, Delsin will have a chain that looks too function as a melee weapon in same way as Cole’s amp from Infamous 2.

infamous 2 trailer

To fight this battle with the Department of Unified Protection, Delsin will have to use his smoke powers in a variety of ways, what ways though Sucker Punch has not revealed as of yet. The government is tracking them through the new agency Department of Unified Protection and they are called into Seattle, Washington to deal with the events that not only gave Delsin his powers but also set the other bio-terrorist free. See Cole take on new powers and an all new impossible challenge in Infamous 2 in this brand new trailer from the Sony Conference at E3 2011. What is known about the story so far is that with most of the bio-terrorist – formerly conduits dead.

infamous 2 trailer

Sucker Punch’s choice to use the good ending from Infamous 2 was based off of looking at the trophy data from Infamous 2 and how many players choose that ending.

#Infamous 2 trailer series#

The choice system from the previous entries in the series will also be making its return in Infamous: Second Son as well. After Infamous 2’s good ending where Cole dies, he is seen as a villain by the nation and the United States Government has created the Department of Unified Protection or D.U.P for short, who are now rounding up conduits or as they are called in Infamous: Second Son, bio-terrorist.ĭelsin’s power set involves the ability to manipulate smoke, a strange power but one that can have a wide range of effects.

infamous 2 trailer

A 24 – year old named Delsin Rowe, who is described as “the artistic type with a chip on his shoulder.” Similar to Cole in the first two Infamous games Delsin comes into his powers by chance. Infamous 2 starts with Cole still living in Empire City, but soon The Beast the civilization-destroying monster prophesized by Kessler in the first. Infamous: Second Son is set 7 years after the end of Infamous 2 and will star a character of Native American descent. It%26rsquo s not clear at this point whether it%26rsquo ll be a continuation of InFamous 2%26rsquo s story, a %26ldquo lost chapter%26rdquo set somewhere in the middle or just a Halloween-themed %26ldquo what if?%26rdquo scenario, but if you%26rsquo re hungry for more Cole action and the user-generated content just isn%26rsquo t enough, you%26rsquo ll want to keep your eyes peeled for this one.Game Informers’ June 2013 issue will feature Infamous: Second Son and will have information on the Playstation 4. The EU PS Blog got some hands-on time with InFamous 2, and posted the video below, which features senior game designer Karl Deckard. According to Sucker Punch, Cole has one night to destroy the vampiric infection by killing the %26ldquo head vampire,%26rdquo something that will probably require the use of the new, cross-shaped weapon he%26rsquo s wearing in place of his Amp in the trailer. Lets find out together in this walkthrough trailer.

Infamous 2 trailer